Monday, November 22, 2010


I think that this school in the video uses to much technology. They have their devices almost all of the time when being in school. This is too much exageration, most of the people in this school use technology. They all have their iphones, blckberrys, laptops, and more. Not only that but, when they are home they are also using their devices or consoles. For this reason, there are many people who have bad grades. Some people get very distracted and don't do their homework. As you can see, they use too much technology when they have the opportunity.

ASPV should teach students more about technology. Although students use a lot of technology in our school, they need to learn a little bit about it. Us, students don't do beneficial things in the internet, we are actually not using internet the correct way. People use the social network more than anything. This is why teachers should inform us about internet. There are many uses for it, and it would be interesting for us to find out. We could edit pictures, videos, and more. Teachers have the equipment to do this, and they should. All in all, ASPV neeeds people to learn the uses of this great system.

Technology is very important in our lives. But, people do misuse internet. There are people who use it excessively, threre are others that use it frequently and others that have used it once or twice in their life, without counting in school programs. There are even people who don't know internet exists! This is wrong, people need to use internet, though not in a bad way. Internet can be used to watch videos, communicate, buy things, travel, meet people and many millions of other things. This is why epole need to use it. Sometimes it will be necessary in their lives. Inconclusion, Internet is not bad for us, sometimes it is necessaty for us.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Medium Selection

It was very hard for me to be able to choose my medium. First, I was going to do one drawing, but I thought about another idea. Miss Firsty helped me choose a medium. She suggested me to use some sticks, and I came up with the idea of making a building with the sticks. I think that I will raise a stick each photo and then continue to make the building. In the end I will make a helicopter land on the roof of the building. The hardest thing of this medium is making the structure of the building. As you can see, my method is very interesting, but can be very challenging.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stop Motion

Stop motion is a very creative way to make a clip or movie. In my words, stop motion is the process of making a clip or video by taking a picture to each scene you make, and then putting all the pictures together. The effect these videos make on people is being amazed, many people find these types of videos very fun. People create these types of videos for it to be interesting, and for the viewer to get entertained in a different way. I think that the creator of the video would have to go through various steps. First, they would start a scene and take a picture, then they would slightly change the scene and take a another picture, after repeating this process for a long time the creator would finish his video. All in all, making a stop motion video is very imaginative, but takes a lot of time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

William Kentridge

William Kendridge has very interesting work. His work makes me feel amazed. He makes everything moves smoothly. I love the effects he puts in each one of the movements. Also, he makes every image clear, and you can understand wht he is making. Because of this it would be very easy to explain his work to someone who is blind. He uses swift movements to create avery image. Then, he takes a picture to every image he creates. As you can see not only his work is good, but it is easy to describe.

His process for making his video takes a lot of time. First he has to start his original image, takes a picture, erases a little draws a little, takes another picture, erases a little draws a little and so on. Sometimes he has to change the whole backround and its characters. For this reason it tackes a lot of time to be a ble to finish a video. There are many pictures to make a part of the video. As you can see, this process takes a lot of time to make.

Friday, November 5, 2010


A mash-up is a when two or more songs are mixed together to make a new one. So far, I've heard only a few mash-ups but the most frequent one is a gym class hero and fall out boy mash up. This mash-up makes rhymes for people in a song. Good mash-ups are made with good rhythms and beats, they have to be well made. Some are not good because the beats are off, some are loud, and difficult. Here is a site for mashup tips, it contains 22 tips for making it. Mash-up artists are musicians, because they need to listen to the beats, put them together and make a good song. One of the ones I've heard is dj earworm. Mash-ups are very good songs.