Friday, January 14, 2011

this chart is a very good representation for various reasons. It is good, because it shows all the subjects in my typing tracker in an accurate way, and I can see if my results are better.
This chart is also a good presentation. It shows my Accuracy over the time, there is all the scores recorded to show if I improve or not.

Finally, this is a good representation of how I type. It shows both the net speed, and the gross speed, this way I can compare if I type most of my words right, and if I improve.

Monday, January 3, 2011


These vacations were very nice. I had really good time in these vacations. Most of the time I was with my family. I went to Guadalajara and had a cousin baptism. It was very fun, first there was a mass, and then there was a party. We had a great time, there was very good food, and we were all together having fun. The baptism party was fun. This time in my vacations were awesome.

I also had another fun day in Guadalajara. We had a christmas exchange. All my family was in my cousins house, and we had a great time. We had to describe the person we were giving the gift to with a drawing. I had a very pleasent time, and I received an xbox game. After this we had dinner and we watched some fireworks that my cousin and uncle where lighting up in the backyard, they were very bright and all the neighberhood stood to watch. The christmas exchange was fantastic. I had a very good time in Guadalajara. I am looking forward for the next break.

Structure Stopmotion

Structure from mistermark on Vimeo.